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TT GREEN® explores partnership with HKEX to support HK companies in achieving Net Zero

Launched in August, TT GREEN® powered by InnoBlock is the first blockchain-based ESG data platform on AWS to support companies in Carbon management, sustainability goal settings, data input automation and ESG Reporting. The platform also supports WWF-Hong Kong's two environmental programmes - LOOPPLUS and LCMP to reduce the carbon emissions and partnered with BEA on Green Finance assessment process.

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AWS News: InnoBlock Technology Builds Hong Kong’s First ESG Data Platform on AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS), an company, today announced that blockchain specialist InnoBlock Technology (InnoBlock) has built TT GREEN®, Hong Kong’s first environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data platform, on AWS. The platform automatically tracks and reports standardized ESG data across resource consumption, carbon emissions, and human capital management using APIs and sensors deployed throughout an organization’s information technology (IT) infrastructure

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明報:港初創伙WWF推ESG數據平台 助企業減碳排

ESG(環境、社會和企業管治)近年備受關注,香港區塊鏈初創「創新鏈科技」今天宣布,利用Amazon Web Services(AWS)的技術和平台,建構一個ESG數據平台「TT GREEN®」。世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF)亦會為TT GREEN®提供行業指導及建議,使平台能協助企業根據國際公認的標準,收集和報告減排資訊,幫助企業將節能減排納入日常商業運作中。

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